Linux login as user

How to switch between users on one terminal?

27.10.2010 — Generally, you can use sudo to launch a new shell as the user you want; the -u flag lets you specify the username you want:

Becoming another user on a system (su command) – IBM

You can change the user ID associated with a session (if you know that user’s login name) by using the su (switch user) command.

How Can I Log In As root User? – nixCraft

07.09.2022 — Explains how to log in as a root user ( super user) under UNIX / Linux / BSD / macOS operating systems from a regular user account.

How To Change User on Linux – devconnected

How To Change User on Linux – devconnected

13.10.2019 — Tutorial on how to change the user account on Linux either by running the su command, the sudo command or by interacting with GNOME.

Tutorial on how to change the user account on Linux either by running the su command, the sudo command or by interacting with GNOME

How to Use the su Command in Linux with Examples

SU Command in Linux: How to Use With Examples

07.01.2020 — The su command lets you switch the current user to any other user. If you need to run a command as a different (non-root) user, use the –l [ …

The su command (substitute user or switch user) is used to switch to another user or the root. Learn how to use the su command in Linux!

How to Switch Users in Ubuntu and Other Linux Distributions …

How to Switch Users in Ubuntu and Other Linux Distributions [Quick Beginner Tip]

It will be as if you logged into the terminal as the second user. Switch User Ubuntu Linux. Note: though – is more popular, it is advised to use –login …

Linux Login Command Help and Examples – Computer Hope

Linux Login Command Help and Examples

17.12.2022 — Use the –l [username] method to define a user account if you need to execute a command as someone other than root. Switching between shell …

Linux login command help, examples, and additional information.

How to Switch User in Linux [SU Command in Linux] – MonoVM

How to Switch User in Linux [SU Command in Linux]

To change to a different user and create a session as if the other user had logged in from a command prompt, type “su -” followed by a space and the target …

How do I switch user in Linux? What is the su command? How does it differ from sudo? If you ever had these questions, you are in the right place.

How to Switch Users in a Linux Shell – Techwalla

How to Switch Users in a Linux Shell | Techwalla

Linux has three types of accounts: system, user and root. A user logs in her Linux user account by typing her username and password. System processes, such as mail, also log in to Linux when they start. The root account is a special user account with unrestricted privileges to perform any operation.

Keywords: linux login as user